Recycle your old T-shirts or jersey pajamas !!Turn them into a knitted handbag or market bag !
Part C : How to knit the handles of the bag
We repeat the same procedure for the second handle .

Click here to see how to turn the old t-shirts you never wear into something useful : make some Noodles yarn !
Tutorial :
You will need T-shirt yarn made from seamless T-shirts or jersey pajamas. You will have to cut stripes of 2 different widths : 1.5 - 2 cm for the bottom , the upper part of the bag and the handles and
3 cm for the lacy part of the bag .
Part A : How to knit the bottom of the bag
Cast on 6 sts and divide them on 3 double pointed needles 8 to 10 mm.
round 1: kfb in every stitch to the end of the round.
(12 sts). Place marker at the beginning of the round.
round 2 : *yo , K1* to the end of the round (24 stitches).
round 3 : Knit to the end of the round (knit all yarn overs through the back loop to avoid holes)
round 4 : *yo , K2* to the end of the round.
round 5: Knit to the end of the round.
round 6: *yo , K3* to the end of the round .
round 7 : Knit to the end of the round.
round 8 : *yo , K4* to the end of the round .(When there is not enough space for your stitches on the double pointed needles, transfer them to circular needles with a short cable.)
round 9 : Knit to the end of the round.
round 10 : *yo , K5* to the end of the round .
round 11 : Knit to the end of the round.
(You now have 72 stitches on your needles)
Knit 6 rounds without increasing.
Part B : How to knit the body of the bag
Switch to 12 mm circular needles.
round A : *yo , K2tog* to the end of the round.
round B : Knit to the end of the round.
Repeat these two rounds till the mess part of the bag measures 20 cm unstretched .
Switch to 8 mm circular needles.
Knit 1 round decreasing 4 stitches (=knit 15, K2tog,
knit 15, K2tog,knit 15, K2tog,knit 15, K2tog).
Now you have 68 stitches on your needles.
Knit one more round and then knit 6 rounds in garter stitch .
Part C : How to knit the handles of the bag
You have 68 stitches on your needles.
Cast off 15 stitches, knit 6 , cast off 7 stitches, knit 6 ,
cast off 15 stitches, knit 6 , cast off 7 stitches, knit the last 6 stitches (the 24 stitches (6+6+6+6) we knitted are for the handles of the bag) .
We continue knitting the last 6 stitches for 80 to 90 rows and our first handle is ready . We join it with the 6 stitches on the opposite side using a crochet hook .
Have in mind that the bag and its handles are very stretchy so they shouldn't be too long . You can embelish your bag with a crochet flower using T-shirt yarn again (This time you will have to cut T-shirt stripes 1 to 1,5 cm wide) .
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The bag is so cute!!!!!! Thank you for the tutorial!!!